## MOD Title: Easy Resize Posted Images
## MOD Author: kber <
webmaster@phpbbegypt.com > (kber)
http://www.phpbbegypt.com## MOD Description: This MOD resizes images within the posts . Images resized are made
## clickable and openable in a popup in full-size.
## MOD Version: 1.1.2
## PHPBB versions: phpbb3 -( RC1 -> 3.0.2 )
## Installation Level: (Easy)
## Installation Time: 3 Minute
## Files To Edit: styles/prosilver/template/viewtopic_body.html
## Included Files:
## License:
http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2
## For security purposes, please check:
http://www.phpbb.com/mods/## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which
## can be found at
## Author Notes:
## Tested with phpbb3.0.0
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
<!-- ELSE -->
<strong>{L_FORUM_RULES}</strong><br />
<!-- ENDIF -->
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
#-----[ AFTER , ADD ]------------------------------------------
# note : you may change( 600px) to whatever you want
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
window.onload = resizeimg;
function resizeimg()
if (document.getElementsByTagName)
for (i=0; i<document.getElementsByTagName('img').length; i++)
im = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[i];
if (im.width > 600)
im.style.width = '600px';
eval("pop" + String(i) + " = new Function(\"pop = window.open('" + im.src + " ','fullscale','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); pop.focus();\")");
eval("im.onclick = pop" + String(i) + ";");
if (document.all) im.style.cursor = 'hand';
if (!document.all) im.style.cursor = 'pointer';
im.title = 'Click Here To See Image Full Size ';
// ]]>
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->
#-----[ AFTER , ADD ]------------------------------------------
# note : you may change( 600px) to whatever you want
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
window.onload = resizeimg;
function resizeimg()
if (document.getElementsByTagName)
for (i=0; i<document.getElementsByTagName('img').length; i++)
im = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[i];
if (im.width > 600)
im.style.width = '600px';
eval("pop" + String(i) + " = new Function(\"pop = window.open('" + im.src + " ','fullscale','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); pop.focus();\")");
eval("im.onclick = pop" + String(i) + ";");
if (document.all) im.style.cursor = 'hand';
if (!document.all) im.style.cursor = 'pointer';
im.title = 'Click Here To See Image Full Size ';
// ]]>
#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM
## For some style you may need to pruge the cashe from your ACP